What is Coaching?
Coaching may address specific personal projects, business success, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. Coaching is about helping those who have leadership authority and responsibility as a member of the top tier of an organization. It usually focuses on both organizational performance and personal development as a leader and it may also serve a personal component. It is a customized and holistic development process that provides deep behavioral insights and learning while accelerating one’s business results and effectiveness as a leader. Coaching is not advice, therapy, consulting, or counseling.
Coaching is for people who are basically well-adjusted, emotionally healthy, functioning effectively, and wanting to make changes in their lives. Coaching is about dealing with current challenges and looking ahead. It may be in contrast to therapy, which is a healing process.
What Should I Expect?
Is Coaching for Me?
Common reasons professionals seek a coach:
• New promotion with new responsibilities: How do I exist in this new environment?
• Expected to get a promotion but was passed over: How do I press on? What are the things that I need to be doing in order to not be passed over next time?
• Experiencing Communication challenges: Perhaps your direct reports are not providing you the output you have requested, or maybe you are having difficulty understanding the expectations of your supervisor.
• General feelings of being professionally “stuck” and wanting help in changing mindset and behaviors.